#213: Charlotte Ercoli
Sep 15, 2022 BY
You’ll never regret it. The greatest souvenir you can have from being alive is video evidence.
Sep 15, 2022
Sep 15, 2022
Once a week I relax at home by making rice, hosing it down with rice vinegar from Okonomi and WADDING it in sheets of seaweed. Avocado and cooked salmon too. I order the eel sauce on the internet. I kick back and watch tv and fill up on that at least once a week. That’s the highest level of pleasure I have ever accessed.
Sep 15, 2022
From Friars to Comedy Central. It’s just fun watching people take down their friends. Rule of the roast is you only roast the ones you love. One time they Roasted Ann Coulter though... That was brutal. I know for a fact that didn’t come from a place of love.
Sep 15, 2022
I love messing around. It’s how I show love, hands free. Best way to make friends is playing around with the boundaries of normal social conduct on them. I come from a long line of prankster’s so I think it’s just sewn into my dna. I’ve been pranking one of my close friends for months now. I’m starting to freak out he’s going to be offended when he finds out but due to technical details it’s too late to stop. Anyway, here is one of my favorite prank calls in history. He get’s so riled up this guy haha. The amazing thing about Longmont Potion Castle is his ability to keep people on the line. Stamina like that is rare in this field. My favorite part of it is right at 5 minutes in.
Sep 15, 2022
I’m going to be the first director to leave the bloopers in the movie. Why not.I love seeing people have a good time. When I watch the “Friends” gag reel It sends me to the moon. It gets me caught between the moon and New York City!!! What I would give to have been a part of something like that. Or a part of anything. I hope to be a part of something, anything, one day.
Sep 15, 2022
Remember that feeling when you were a kid of really fanning out about stuff. Never let that go. It’s easy to become jaded. But stay a fan. It feels so good to be a fan of something in a world full of jealous Shondas. For example I am Jerry Lewis’ biggest fan. Literally no one likes him as much as I do. Also to elaborate I think it’s good to prolong idiots bliss. I try to stay as mentally primitive with my “creative processes” as much as possible because that’s when you are the most prolific and uninhibited in your work. I would do anything to avoid getting bent out of shape or feeling held back. I’d rather shoot a movie on tape with no money than try to get something made for 3 years. Just churn stuff out and move on to the next big idea. Also yearning. I’ve been yearning a lot.
Sep 15, 2022
I like coming close to changing my ways.. Mixing things up… Ordering something new on the menu.. Making a grande plan, but backing out of it last minute is really is always what it comes back to ultimately. I know who I am and what I like and there is no need to conform. I have made a nice small world for myself and know what I like.
Sep 15, 2022
I think everyone just needs to have more compassion and stop being so annoying online. Everyone treats politics like fashion trends. Just be a good person.
Sep 15, 2022
I love seeing people lose it. I love screaming. Obviously I am friends with Douglas Levison and have been since I was a teen and are premiering Little Jerry at NYFF. I wouldn’t of found him if it weren’t for his delicious monologue caught on camera.
Sep 15, 2022
I love cooking a flavor 500 meal, getting all “situated”, sitting back and watching the Bachelor. I think if I started watching that show now it wouldn't stand a chance but it’s something my mom indulged in since I was a kid and I’ve just kept it going. I find it very pleasurable, comforting, and also interesting tv.
Sep 15, 2022