#307: Dorian Electra

a taste of someone’s taste, right in your inbox.


Apr 17, 2023 BY



Irish Dance Class

Irish hard shoe dancing is one of the most metal, hardcore things I have ever witnessed or attempted to do in my life. The shoes are also called “heavy shoes” which is fire. The sound is very satisfying to me in an ASMR way. I’m obsessed with the stoicism that accompanies the dance, specifically the way the arms are held completely straight at your sides. I highly recommend taking an Irish dance class (they have in most cities). It is an insane cardio workout (very sweaty) and extremely enjoyable. I want to see people doing it at my shows.

Apr 17, 2023


I have extremely dry cuticles and this is the only stuff I’ve tried that works. It’s very old school. The packaging is also dope. My grandma used to it and so does my mom (warning: it does have a very old timey grandma-type fragrance). The smell gives me an instant sense memory of my mom putting it on her cuticles, elbows, and feet on a Sunday night while watching the classic British soap opera Eastenders.  :)

Apr 17, 2023


Lowkey have learned shitloads from this channel. It took me a while to get used to this guys grating YouTube announcer type voice and dad jokes but now I find it incredibly soothing. I am 100% a sucker for a cheesy youtube history video, museum, anything like that. Weird History is my go-to on tour, before bed, etc. Also they have another channel called Weird History Food which is very informative and entertaining. If i didn’t make it as a musician I would totally be producing content like this for a living. It rocks.

Apr 17, 2023


It’s been really fun not being on social media that much recently. Especially when working on new music, I’ve found it super helpful to unplug for long periods of time. As cliche as it is, sometime last year I finally started understanding what people meant by the wave of anxiety and decrease in self worth that hits you when you open an app like instagram. It’s nice to check in and see what my friends are doing, but I’ve really tried to cut off that feeling of needing to stay constantly ‘up to date’ with everything going on all the time. Same goes for news. For the first time since college really i’ve started trying to read books again lmao. I know this one seems kind of basic, but for anyone feeling like they’re needing some encouragement to feel like it’s okay to unplug, go for it.

Apr 17, 2023

As a musician, you would think I listen to a lot of music very often, but I actually do not. I find that i’m incredibly sensitive to music, like emotionally sensitive and also very easily distracted by it so it’s difficult for me to have music on in the background because i start listening too closely and thinking about the lyrics, instruments, melodies, etc. too much haha. This album is my most played album since like 2014. It’s the only thing I can listen to regardless of whatever mood i’m in (especially if i am in a bad mood) and helps me channel the darkness into something good. I guess Electric Wizard could be described as “stoner metal.” All of their music is extremely slow, dark, sludgey, repetitive. The riffs bend in very evil yet very soothing sounding ways that I find quite comforting! Historically, I don’t smoke weed but I feel like this music gives me the positive psychosomatic effects of weed without the paranoia. Their album “Dopethrone” also fucks hard and has a sick cover lol.

Apr 17, 2023

a taste of someone’s taste, right in your inbox.


Perfectly Imperfect