#341: Babymorocco

a taste of someone’s taste, right in your inbox.


Jul 26, 2023 BY



Hot sexy people who make music

I want music to be sexy, I love sexy music. I love sex in music. I want music to have sex in it. I like it when people show skin, I like it with sexy men and women with microphones. I like hot lyrics about fucking on the beat and metaphors, puns or whatever where the beat is the sex and you can fuck to the bass. Dancing and bodies grinding together all that. Hot people, Sexy Music, none of that ironic shit.

Jul 26, 2023


People telling my music shit! It double with my SSRI and help me reduce my mania.

Jul 26, 2023


I don’t really know anything about clothes. I don’t know what I really like or even if I have taste. Growing up I could never really afford any nice clothes. So I decided to become muscly so people would look at me without me having to buy nice clothes.

Jul 26, 2023


Genius producer. Ive never seen his face. He produced my whole EP. Ive never seen his face but I know he’s a God. We started working over together over twitter. We have made over 150 tracks together. He told me the other day every time we complete a track he buys a memory stick for it in a different colour (pantone colours) and puts it on a chain and then hangs it on his ceiling. So when the wind blows they make their own song like chimes. Everyday I wish I knew he was. Being proper serious my two missions in life is to find out who Bamster is and win a British TV soap award.

Jul 26, 2023


I been waiting on its release, was meant to be a powdered alcohol, mixed into a bunch of water, or anything you wanted. Convenience is proper important to me. In the morning I like to mix all my powders into one giant smoothie. I love anything hard, hard pre workout from the Palcohol. Still waiting tho, I feel if It done come out soon ill release it as Merch.

Jul 26, 2023


Mutalism is basically a mutually benefits agreement between all specified where they can benefit, its a perfect symbiosis. I can’t live without putting music out for my fans and they listen to it, keeping me going, heart beating. So its im a big fan of Mutalism in context to biology! If you stream Babymorocco you keeping me alive.

Jul 26, 2023


I like to fuck before I leave the house. The best thing you can ever wear is Sex. Your muscles are all pumped and you get a good glow going, and then its kinda like a cycle cos more people wanna fuck you. More people wanna fuck you if they know you can fuck, Everything aways go round in a circle. Like a drain and the planet.

Jul 26, 2023

a taste of someone’s taste, right in your inbox.


Perfectly Imperfect