#296: RXKNephew
Mar 21, 2023 BY
Rollerblading is much faster than walking and when you go real fast you can feel the breeze on your skin. I’m like Tony Hawk on blades the way I be wooshing around. You can go to the store or visit your friends. You should wear knee pads and elbow pads though.
Mar 21, 2023
It’s good to let your mind wander sometimes. See where it takes you and see what you think of. You might be surprised by the things you come up with!
Mar 21, 2023
I like suits because wearing a suit is unexpected and shocking to a lot of people. I bought my first suit in New York City on New Year's Eve and I wore it for my performance that night. It was at this warehouse and I was definitely the freshest person there. I got a lot of compliments and it really made me feel like a boss. You supposed to dress for the job you want right?
Mar 21, 2023
I eat chicken noodle soup every day. My shordie make it for me from scratch. I used to eat pasta every day, but I got sick of it, so now I eat Chicken Noodle Soup. I do not eat chicken noodle soup from the can. That shit nasty.
Mar 21, 2023
I like people who participate and I like to participate in things. I like participating in all aspects of my life. I like to rap, but I also like to try and produce beats, and direct music videos. I like making art for my fans and I like participating with my audience. If you participate in things you can make a community. My fans are like a community to me. We’re close like we’re all brothers and sisters. We even argue like brothers and sisters sometimes, and sometimes you gotta roast them. Publicly. In the instagram live.
Mar 21, 2023
Being vulnerable shows people that you care. You need to be able to be vulnerable with the people in life who you cherish. It’s good to have people to who you can express yourself to, otherwise you won't have an outlet for your emotions and you can build up stress and aggression. That’s how you start to second guess yourself and end up alone.
Mar 21, 2023
I love the whole world. The world is a beautiful place. Nature is beautiful. I love taking walks in nature. I love traveling to new places and seeing things I’ve never seen before. I love to see birds chirping, green grass, and all the pretty colors.
Mar 21, 2023
I love wrestling and Stone Cold Steve Austin is my favorite wrestler. I like Stone Cold because he be stunning everybody. He stuns his ops, he stuns the audience, and he even stuns the camera man sometimes. I love watching him stun all the random people. He really knows how to get the audience involved and he’s always surprising people. You never know who he’s gonna stun next!
Mar 21, 2023