#336: Blu DeTiger
Jul 12, 2023 BY
It makes the whole act of watching TV more fun. Sometimes I’ll even double screen and put something scenic on the projector on my ceiling while watching a show on the TV. Constant entertainment and stimulation from all angles.
Jul 12, 2023
You never know how important this is until you can’t get it. Our tour bus driver says it’s banned in Australia. I guess there’s something in throat coat tea that’s legal in USA but not in Australia. But the Aussie singers consistently ask for it (so he says). I’m on tour right now and for whatever reason it was left off the rider for a couple shows in a row. Then the next day in Detroit we were staying at MGM resorts and casino and everyone was walking around with a TEA KETTLE prize that they all received for being special MGM resort members. THE UNIVERSE WAS TAUNTING ME!!! All I could see were people walking around with brand new tea kettles. What a turn of events. Anyways, get throat coat tea and keep the voice smooth.
Jul 12, 2023
My brother started customizing my water labels for stage. Now instead of Poland Spring I drink “Rockstar Water.” Why haven’t I been doing this for longer? At one show the audience noticed it and made me spray it on them. So I performed an almost informal “rockstar” baptism. It was amazing.
Jul 12, 2023
4th times the charm…? I hope so. A very intelligent friend of mine told me that pretty girls always fail their test. I think it’s in the constitution somewhere. I’ll get them next time though. It’s good character building I guess… and a lesson in resilience…
Jul 12, 2023
Sometimes I go on FaceTime rampages and call all my friends until someone picks up. The issue is when they don’t… So now if they don’t pick up I immediately send a video of me talking about what I was gonna say. It’s like a little performance to an audience of one. It scratches the same itch AND it’s efficient.
Jul 12, 2023
I just watched the show Jury Duty - which was amazing. I loved it. But what I really took away is that I really like James Marsden’s vibe. Then a few days later the movie 27 Dresses was playing on TV and I realized that young James Marsden is also a vibe. So now I’m just into his vibe idk why exactly but he seems like a fun guy (but also prob cuz he’s hot).
Jul 12, 2023