#412: TAO LIN
Tao Lin is a Hawaii-based author, artist and publisher. My first introduction to Tao, and the modern “Alt Lit” scene, was through his highly-praised 2013 novel, Taipei. His prose has always felt relevant to our time and truly singular, and I’ve enjoyed his published works and online presence ever since. Tao is the author of seven books, including the more recent Leave Society (2021), and you can keep an eye out for his upcoming nonfiction release, Self Heal. He’s also the founder and editor of Muumuu house, a small press and literary magazine that has put me on to some of my favorite writers. Lucky for us, Tao is here to tell us what he's been into.
Liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods. I recommend getting it from a local farm. Cow and chicken livers are widely available. Liver and other animal organs cost little because Americans shun them. Our native ancestors prized them. Non-American cultures also value them, featuring them in many dishes.
Liver is one of the most nutrient-dense foods. I recommend getting it from a local farm. Cow and chicken livers are widely available. Liver and other animal organs cost little because Americans shun them. Our native ancestors prized them. Non-American cultures also value them, featuring them in many dishes.
If you have intractable health problems, I recommend reading this book. Saladino cured his eczema by avoiding vegetables. I also cured my eczema by eliminating vegetables from my diet recently, in August 2022. Vegetables contain antinutrients that, for some people, damage the gut, resulting in a constant stream of toxins entering the bloodstream and lymphatic system. I eat some vegetables now.
Feb 1, 2024
If you have intractable health problems, I recommend reading this book. Saladino cured his eczema by avoiding vegetables. I also cured my eczema by eliminating vegetables from my diet recently, in August 2022. Vegetables contain antinutrients that, for some people, damage the gut, resulting in a constant stream of toxins entering the bloodstream and lymphatic system. I eat some vegetables now.
Feb 1, 2024
My favorite BEE book. I especially enjoyed the parts on BEE’s frustrating experience with Trump Derangement Syndrome, and the parts about his writing career.
Feb 1, 2024
I used to stay away from cats, because I was allergic, but now I love them and have two—Nini and Lali. I had three but one ran away. He might come back still. Leo. I’m no longer allergic to cats after healing my gut over the past year; see page 46 of Gut and Physiology Syndrome (2020) by Natasha Campbell-McBride for more on this.
Feb 1, 2024
I used to stay away from cats, because I was allergic, but now I love them and have two—Nini and Lali. I had three but one ran away. He might come back still. Leo. I’m no longer allergic to cats after healing my gut over the past year; see page 46 of Gut and Physiology Syndrome (2020) by Natasha Campbell-McBride for more on this.
Feb 1, 2024
Reality seems to be more complex, auspicious, terrible, mysterious, and magical than we’re taught in school/college and shown on the news and in mainstream media. I recommend reading nonfiction books that reference non-mainstream sources, and are maligned or ignored by the New York Times and other mainstream media, to get closer to the truth.
Feb 1, 2024
Reality seems to be more complex, auspicious, terrible, mysterious, and magical than we’re taught in school/college and shown on the news and in mainstream media. I recommend reading nonfiction books that reference non-mainstream sources, and are maligned or ignored by the New York Times and other mainstream media, to get closer to the truth.
Feb 1, 2024
Find ways to independently make money (selling art, learning to fix things, growing food, etc.) so you don't get stuck working for a corporation that will take all your time and energy, leaving you less able to care for yourself and your friends and family, and do other things.
Find ways to independently make money (selling art, learning to fix things, growing food, etc.) so you don't get stuck working for a corporation that will take all your time and energy, leaving you less able to care for yourself and your friends and family, and do other things.
My favorite BEE book. I especially enjoyed the parts on BEE’s frustrating experience with Trump Derangement Syndrome, and the parts about his writing career.
Feb 1, 2024